This Thanksgiving i am giving thanks to my "TRUE" friends and FAMILY and for LOVE! & Arthur Lee!
@ 2:40, the click and then what may be the best guitar solo ever.... more feel in this solo than everything Clapton has ever done combined...
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving!
Love - Your Mind And We Belong Together
My all time favorite Love song! Happy Thanksgiving T!
i knew you had good taste Larry!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Love Love!
I'm gonna have to stick the solo from "I Heard Her Call My Name" as best evah, though. My apologies.
I should rip my copy of Reel to Real, since no one's seen fit to reissue it on CD . . .
http://love.torbenskott.dk/singles.aspmaybe good help for this page
great thx for song
"what may be the best guitar solo ever." can't say I agree with that one. whoa. when I read it. I was like.....well alright now, slapped my knee, loosened my cap, and clicked on the link. Holy Shit. You have diminished my respect for your tastes. Its not even palatable. Like licking a tire. Sour. "what may be the best guitar solo ever." wow. lets see how your incredible statement mounts up...lets take a vote. Because. Sir. That is quite a mother fucking statement. "what might be the best guitar solo ever." every time I write it and think back to what I heard...the more variables pop to mind. What was this person huffing when he listened/wrote about this?? Its perplexing. Maddening. Confusing. Saddening. Wow.
well anonymous sir, what would YOU put as one of the best, or should i say fave git solo's ever, hmmm...???
then we can start to see how far apart we really are and if in fact it even really maters...
I just read this & I'd have to give a vote to Eddie Hazel "Maggot Brain". But I'm just sayin'
well you certainly can't go wrong w/ that choice.... That is brain frying cut and lp! Cheers!
Forget what some of the others say: this is a most excellent solo and is more soulful than the vast majority of guitar solos!
Hey thanks Father! (and for the record, were not really down with "the devil" over here all that much....!)
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