Today after my post France/Hellfest hang-over subsides and i recover from Subconjunctival Hemorrhage of the Eye, i give you The Shillings. The Shillings cut 3 great 45s from early ‘65 thru late ‘66 (their 1st, Cry appears on Mind Blowers Vol.12). Lying and Trying is the B-side of their Three Rivers label 45. The A-side is an excellent version of Children and Flowers, the song The Critters had a hit with.
I try not to share too much personal info here since this is a "music" blog and not a "me" blog and not that anyone cares other that coming on in here and taking some music but the fest i was just a part of was the single greatest musical event i have ever been a part of!!!
yeah and here is what Subconjunctival Hemorrhage of the Eye looks like....
Enjoy the songs after you vomit from my eye...
The Shillings - Children And Flowers
The Shillings - Lying And Trying
I have this single. It's a great one. Didn't know the band had more records. I'll have to keep an eye out.
Dude....back in '86 I had knee surgery and choked on the air tube when I was waking up. I got those in BOTH eyes. It was some freaky looking shit.
Who'd you meet in France???
Yow, looks vampirish. Does it hurt or impair your vision?
doesnt really hurt, just kind of annoying and i can see fine... Larry i met Slash!!! hahaha!!!
Nice Look Dick!
hey thanks for the Shillings ... much appreciated.
The Beaver
Holy fuck dude. That's the most ridiculous eye injury I've seen outside of Internet gross-out sites. Poke it a bunch, then take more pictures.
Also... did you meet the Golf Monster???
i did not meet Alice....
& the eye is red & fucked up enough without anymore poking thank you very much!
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