Merry Christams Everyobody! Santa was good to the devil!!!
Ok, here it is, my first post with tunes!!!
I was thinking about this for months. What will be the first post once Santa brought me the mp3 turntable for Christmas and I've changed my mind 20 times, and still wasn't sure as i sat down to do this. I thought maybe, The Voxpoppers, Ronnie Self, Wanda Jackson, or maybe some hard psych stuff but I'm gonna go with Iron Knowledge and their KILLER track Show Stopper.
Most of my records are all Bottom Feeder found records, which means i dig them out of the garbage basically. Found at Flea Markets, Thrift Shops, Garage Sales and pretty much any other Low Rent way of obtaining vinyl on the cheap but this is one record that once i heard it i knew i had to own it at any cost! (well, almost any)
So I searched the interwebs and found a copy on eBay... And i spent a few dollars on it, something i try not to do but seem to be doing way to much of lately. Blah blah blah.....
Most of you probably know, it's been played on every cool station, featured on the black chains & exhaust comp and was the first cut i played on the That's Heavy Old Man!! mix that DJ Prestige and i put together. (Well, Pres put it together really)
Not much i could find out about these guys. It doesn't look like they have any other music recorded or none that i could find, and other than they were from Youngstown Ohio i don't know much about them
So anyway, there isn't much to say except this cut is straight up wild! Nothing i love more than funky ass brothers with guitars singing about how their "down with cocaine, were doing our thing". And this fits right in with my previous post about "Fuzzy" "Buzzy" & "Wasted" sounding guitar!
So this shit goes out to DJ Prestige for inspiring me to share my collection!
Iron Knowledge: Show-Stopper
i've decided to add the b-side to this killer 45 because from what i hear not many people have heard any other songs from this killer group. So when your done grooving the fuck out to "Show Stopper" settle in for some sweet and mellow sounds of Oh-Love. Dig that "breathy" wha wha!
Iron Knowledge: Oh-Love
Holy shit, what an amazing track!!!
Thanks for the awesome X-mas gift...
A Pony & An Ipod.....
I am so VERY down with that! Thanks for the share, and forgive me please for not doing it sooner, but I've gotta give you a blogroll link. Hope you and your family had a great holiday with best wishes for a funky psyched out (and SAFE) New Year.
Peace and blessings
Thanks guys!
I REALLY apprecite it!!!!
A fucking monster track - great upload, DD.
FYI, I used this track on my latest mix.
Thanks a bunch for making it possible...
I'm originally from Youngstown and even then there these guys flew under the radar (top bands at the time were Left End, Blue Ash and Menagerie). But saw them perform at the annual Spring Thing at Idora Park. They rocked the joint. BTW, I have the same 45.
Ten + years later, this track still blows minds when I share it with friends of all ages and backgrounds...
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