Hurricane Sandy really fucked up one of my old stomping grounds... Here is a few pics of the devastation of Seaside Hts, NJ.... A place i lived and hung out in since i was a boy. Thought this song was appropriate...
The Human Instinct - Death of the Seaside
Absolute sucks. The devastation, not the song.
holy crud!!! yeah thats some massive stuff there
Holy shit!
If that's what happened to Seaside Hts (spent my whole summer between 8th & 9th grade there), what happened to Wildwood (spent two summer vacations there)???
I'm in NY, so I don't get much info.
KL i think wildwood escaped with not much damage seems the major damage all happed from seaside and north.... parts of NY got floods bad & atlantic city got flooding. have not heard of much damage in wildwood.
yeah here is a link that says wildwood mostly sprard by hurricane sandy......
Thank you for the information.
It seems that there was so much damage to report, not much NYC news time was spent on places that had little or no damage.
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