I posted a great 1986 demo by this awesome N.J. punk band over at my almost defunct demo blog Here: If you care to read & hear about that.
You can also access their Facebook page Here: Instead of me just copying and pasting. You should go "Like" them. They ruled. One of my fave old school Jersey Punk bands. Tell them Tommy from Social Decay sent ya....
Oh, and by the way, I'm getting Married today!
The Blisters - Sleepers
The Blisters - H2M / I Call You
The Blisters - That Boy Better Scram
Congrats! May you both have health, wealth, and happiness for many many years to come.
I'm afraid two links go to the same song: Happy marriage anyway!!
Congratulations, Dick, my man! Hope she's older than 13, that's nuthin' but trouble.
Hey man the link to H2M/I Call You link points to "That Boy Better Scram". Otherwise keep up the good work, this some good shit.
Well, boy howdy! Congratulations!
And AFTER your honeymoon you might want to check - the link to the 2nd track is incorrect
Thanks all! The link has been corrected! Just back from the honeymoon! Can you guess what we did on it?????
Thanks all! The link has been corrected! Just back from the honeymoon! Can you guess what we did on it?????
This is some pretty good shit!
thanks for the share!
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