Ok a few things here. This Jackie Lomax 45 is something i have been looking for for a long while. So when i recently found a copy of eBay that was described as VG ++ i jumped at the shot to own a nice copy. Well when it arrived the 45 looked like a car ran it over. Speaking of which as you can see from the pictures below that is exactly what happened to my Mothers house this week. A car literally drove through the house. Through the living room, through the dinning room and partially through the kitchen. And while i have a good portion of my record collection at my Lady's house in Philly the majority of it is still housed (or was) at my Mom's.... Needless to say a bunch of vinyl was eliminated from this earth when this even took place. Along with my Great Grandma's Leather Bound piano and some of my guitars and more sentimental items than you can shake a stick at. Anyway, the house is now unlivable and my folks are being put up in a hotel and the insurance company told them to start looking for a rental for the next 6 months. The house is done. I need to move all my records that survived out. No easy task for someone who has over 10,000 records....
So a few words before i part, buyer beware and insure the records. I may not be around as much in the next few weeks as i have a lot of work to still do moving and cataloging all the damaged material is the house. Thankfully no one was hurt and records can be replaced. Skull mugs that i made for my mom when i was 6 years old can not.... Such is life...
So enjoy a VG - record NOT a VG ++... Still a great song either way.... and count your lucky stars that you and yours (and your records) are safe and sound. and if you want to read about Mr. Lomax do so Here...
Jackie Lomax - The Eagle Laughs At You

Wow, thats fucked. My sympathies go out to you, and your mom.
Repeat to yourself "It's just stuff... it's just stuff..." Glad to hear no one was hurt.
(Cool tune, by the way.)
Wow. What a drag!
I'll second what Chuckie Jo said: At least it was only stuff, and no one was hurt.
holy crap!!!!!!!! my condolences to you and your family, and to your record collection. sheesh!...
I'm glad that no one was hurt.
I would send the driver on a life long quest to replace every piece of vinyl.
So glad no one was hurt but.... WTF?
Driver drunk, sick, stupid, unlucky, what???!!
Honest condolences to you & your family.
great lost
Fuck, DD. My condolences. Hope you at least get some money outta it.
hey thanks people, the guy wasn't drunk just old. 87 years old. and the rub is that this is the 2nd house he has hit this year! the pics done even tell half the story.
The house is unlivable and everyone has to leave. And all contents are being packed up and put in storage. Not to mention that so many memories are no broken.
A few of my guitars are broken and i still have not even looked at any of the broken records but there were plenty...
My pops is out of the hospital and everyone is OK.
that is what is important here but have you ever had to move 10,000 albums...???
I'll echo the rest: Glad nobody got hurt (tho sorry 'bout the records & piano)
Dude...if someone ran over my parents house (let alone my records) I'd have a hard time not hunting him down like a dog (even if he was 87).
Good luck to your folks (and to you) and save what you can of that piano.
Super sucks! We've had two houses driven into/through in the neighborhood in the last couple years. How the hell can you not avoid hitting a house? Sorry for your folks loss and your near tragedy. Your posts are always great, my son and I visit every day. Keep the faith and good luck. If my guitars had been jacked up by some nuts-o accident it would have been hard for me not to have grabbed the gun and taken some payback.
I read this post when I was at work so I didn't have a chance to reply at the time. You and yours recuperating OK? I wish I could help out. I just wanted you to know that I hadn't forgotten you.
right man, many thanks to all. things are starting to get back to some semblance of normalcy.... the house is gutted and it really really really sucks moving your record collection in the hottest July on record... but i do appreciate the comments!
Dude's license needs to be revoked for lifetime. Then any insurance he has should be milked for all it's worth. You're correct about importance though. Here in LA a few years back an old dude drove through the Santa Monica Farmer's Market and amazingly no one died though many injured.
omg thats ridiculous
not being funny but what are US houses built of...
Ahhhhhh-HAHAHHAHHAhHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!1234, What's the thing stuck in the wall? a car. WAAAHHHHAHHAHAHAHAhha
holy shit! wow...that's seriously fucked.
this song on the other hand is sooo amazing as is just about everything else you post. i just stumbled upon your blog about a month ago and it has helped me to rekindle my love of music. thanks a lot dude and best of luck to you and your folks.
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