So i got up and ready to go to work today and it was a real hassle. And i was thinking with all the shit i have going on in my life right now and dealing with this house mess (see car crash pics below) and worrying about getting all of my things out of a condemed house and dealing with trying to re-locate and temporarily living out of a Hotel and all, i was thinking i don't have time to keep doing this stupid little blog. But i got to work and i had a few new nice comments saying thanks for the tunes and that some people come here everyday and all and a few more people started "following" the blog so instead of putting the "Closed" sign up like i was thinking about doing i decided to just keep on keeping on... So i will not put the closed sign up and i will try to keep posting. Don't think it will be as regualr as in the past but i will try. Till the next time enjoy some Las Vegas Grind Type music from 1960 w/ The Hawks!!!
The Hawks - The Grissle
The Hawks - Grasshopper
So- take a while between posts. No big woop... Obviously you should deal with real-life first and formost but don't call it quits on the blog altogether, we dig the tunes and the witty commentary too much.
There's my two cents. And if we don't see a post for a while, we understand... Thanks for some cool music, and we hope to hear from you again soon.
keep the beautiful music going pal, it should be the last thing to go - much more important than any car or any other material possessions you could name....
Even if I'm not commenting you can assume that I am reading what you wrote and appreciating your efforts. If you need to give the blog a break that's OK but I'd recommend against giving it up.
Thanks people. I do really appreciate it. I'm going to give it my best to keep going AND deal w/ some real life shizzle...
I'll be back!
Keep on keeping on brother!
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