I just picked this up with a bunch of other 45's on the cheap from a crappy flea market. They guy i bought it from was surely dying of cancer as he stunk of rotten eggs and wet cigarette butts. He leaves his records out in the sun to warp and says they are mint. I feel sorry for the guy. He just sits there smoking and no one buys his junk. God, I hope I die before I lose what little touch I have with reality. I wish he had some more good records....
Robert & Johnny - You're Mine
Robert & Johnny - Million Dollar Bills
Robert Carr & Johnny Mitchell
LOL! Reading your description of the "crappy" flea market kills me, I don't miss 'em, but i sure do remember those places! They "PRICE TO KEEP" crap that no one would look at, scratched, warped and labels that have a paragraph of junk written on it! and the final insult... $2 written from a big, black marker pen on top of the titles of the song!
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