A cheap new addition to the devils music, Michael & The Messengers - Lifs (Lies?) (Don't Mean Nothin) on U.S.A. Records from 1967. The flip to this (Romeo and Juliet) was on the nuggets box. This side is worth the price of admission just for the out of tune moaning in the last half of the song. Amazing. I hope u all had a good holiday, whatever it is u celebrate. If i don't talk to you before then, have a happy new year. I sure hope 2014 is better for everyone....
Michael & The Messengers - Lifs (Don't Nothing)
What a glorious mess. I'm putting my money on "Life (Don't Mean Nothin')" Thanks very much!
Apparently, it's not a typo. Here is a comment Wayne Beckner left on a Youtube posting of this song:
"LIFS was something Paul Salvatore would always say. He was a friend of our's and drummer from Leominster MA, Michael & The Messengers' home town. What it stands for is, Life Is For S**t. Hey we were young, we were high!"
ah, thanks Doug S!
fricken awesome!!! LOVE-IT!
thanks prunalog!
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