I hate when this happens... Not much has changed since 1952.
Here is what Billboard had to say about it Jul 19, 1952: Pleasant ditty is given good pace by a spirited western featuring a honky tonk piano. Murphy half-talks half-sings the lyrics with proper dolefulness while the boys in teh band add a gang vocal in spots. Should do okay in tavern jukes.

Chuck Murphy - Who Drank My Beer (While I Was In The Rear)
This is the original version, or the one by Dave Bartholomew also released in 1952???
that i am not sure of.... sorry!
The label shot of coral 61785 was issued in 1957
Billboard advert shows the 1st pressin 1952 issue number as coral 60800. Cheers I enjoyed it.
PS : Maybe you should stop going to the rear & wait for the chap behind you to go to the rear then stay in the bar & refill his glass?
DH thanx for the heads up and the tip..... i think....
It was also recorded in 1952 by Tommy Duncan.
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