Warning! This is not a joke! I dig Slim!
Seriously, i do, not in a Johnny Cash kind of "I must own and hear all of his music" way but in a strange, wow man, this stuff is just so odd i really kinda dig it...
So file this one under "Guilty Pleasure".
There's a somewhat funny story about this record and how i came to dig it...
The year was probably around 1987 or so I was out on my own for the 1st time living in the shore town of "Seaside Hts". Now if ya know anything about "shore town" these towns are EMPTY for most of the year and PACKED during the summer with renters coming from the city and filling our beautiful beaches and boardwalks with their "Benny" asses. (Don't know what a Benny is? Look it up!)
Well what does this have to do with old Slim here?
After the summer is over and all the Bennies leave and go back to North Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania they usually live a lot of shit behind in the houses the just rented for insane amounts of $$$ and well opportunist that i am i would go and garbage pick the left overs and walking down the street checking out the trash what did i find laying on the top of a pile of junk? Old Slim here...
I kind of chuckled to myself "who the fuck was listening to this shit" but quietly tucked the album under my arm and took Old Slim here home with me for a laugh.
Well i was totally surprised when i put the 1st cut on and heard Old Slim here let out some serious "Yodelling"... and it was so strange because i liked it. I mean i actually liked it! Ha ha ha! There is no accounting for taste i guess...
If anyone out there ever saw our old band Godspeed open up for Black Sabbath back in 1994 they can tell you that we used to use old Slim here as our opening muisc on that tour! Pretty funny seeing a few thousand metal heads all geared up to see their heroes of metal and the light go out and along comes this jackass band from Jersey playing Slim Whitman before they hit the stage!
So dig on Old Slim Whitman and his major "Yodelling" skills!
Slim Whitman - Cattle Call
Nice post - and a tasty 'stache!
Back at Ya', I'll get your link up tonight. Thanx.
Everybody knows that only 'Indian Love Call' can stop the Martian invasion...
hehehe... I have to honestly say... I have never heard such and interesting thing...huh!
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