Mash up Flipper, The Butthole Surfers, Highly potent THC and Brown Acid in a musical blender and you might get close to what this loser of a record sounds like. Obviously recorded by a metal reject in his moms basement, one can only wonder what actually happened to The Cough Suppressant Alcoholics.....? My guess is, probably living in Canaduh....
In 20 years people might discover how awesome this peice of shit is, but for now no one but me gives a rats ass....
Cough Suppressant Alcoholics - Metal Is Not Dead
Cough Suppressant Alcoholics - The Tab At The Liquor Store Is Evergrowing
Cough Suppressant Alcoholics - Cunt Suppository Aeronautics
Cough Suppressant Alcoholics - Zip
I haven't been commenting nearly often enough and I'll have to admit I haven't been taking the time to listen to enough of what you're posting. I kind of liked the name of the band. I mean I liked it enough that my hopes were raised. Really too bad you were right. It sucks. Still, thanks for sharing, seriously.
naw jon, this rules!!!! still, thanks for stoping by either way!
Let me put it this way- If I was still collecting records this might very well be my proudest possession. I would make it a point to pull it out and share it with people as often as possible. So, uh, thanks for sharing dude. I definitely get it!
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