The Devil and the Devil's Record Room of Doom!
Typical Friday Night:
Were running at half speed over here @ the devils music so please excuse our late entry into Vinyl record Day since our computer crashed we didn't even know if we would get a post in but I'd like to give a few shout outs & thanks and maybe fill you in on some of the devils vinyl madness!!!
1st many thanks to Todd Lucas over at It's Great Shakes for hipping me to "The Hits Just keep On Comin'" and this Vinyl Record Day Madness and for his and his partners great blog. And more importantly my main man DJ Prestige Flea Market Funk for alerting me to the record blogging universe and for his fine expose' over at his spot about another person i need to say thanks too, "The Old Man", who i have bought PLENTY of records from through the years and I am sure i have helped him buy many a case of Busch Beer as well!
Even though I've been collecting records now for well over 20 years I never really knew anyone who "collected" records. I of course had the casual collector friends who had a few records but none i would call true collectors. Even as a teenager when i was thriving on punk, hardcore and metal I would get shit from my friends for keeping my Pink Floyd albums and all that "Hippy" music. Hence I have always and will always collect music of ALL varieties. If you take a look around my little blogging corner you will not find music of any one particular variety, but many.
Anyway back to my little story: I knew no "real" record collectors until I met the JJB & co-worker and vinyl freak Deacon Brimstone and now DJ Prestige among others. At any rate it was a relief to know i was NOT ALONE in my endeavor to search out and find anything new and exciting and by "new" it almost always means something really "old".... Those in the know will know what i mean!
My mother probably had close to 100 records when i was a kid a HUGE amount and i'd spent a lot of time pulling through her collection, (most was crap) but she had a few that were real turn ons. (Janis Joplin's "Pearl" being one) And then at some point in my very young life my Uncle Dan came to live with us. He was a wild man with a huge Afro and wore "Manlets". This was back in the 70's. And i would spend a lot of time is his attic room staring at his crazy blacklight posters and digging through his stacks of vinyl. This is where i first heard Black Sabbath and Jimi Hendrix and an assortment of 60's psych and heavy 70's rock. It was an instant love affair and it even helped shape me as a musician and person I'm sure. After hearing what kind of HEAVY sounds the guitar could make, I wanted in and i wanted in NOW!!! And the quest was on. He would stand over me while i ordered records from the "Columbia House" catalog. You know, 10 for 1 penny and you only have to buy 3 more at full price over the next year!!! I was down with Kiss but he told me to buy Led Zeppelin.... Heh...
I've been very lucky over the years scoring some rare and not so rare but great sounding records. To me it's not how valuable a record is but the sounds in the groove. So for all the people above you have helped shape me as a music geek and those who continue to do so this is a big thank you! There are many who have come and gone through the years and too few time to mention them all but because of each one (including many a past girlfriend) I have amassed around 10,000 records... Maybe not as Huge a collection as many out there but on my limited budget i am very happy with my collection!!! So thanks! And keep on diggin'!!!
It's an honor to be on the link list. Cheers!
Glad to be in such good company.
p.s. That pick o' you up top looks just like the crazy guy in our neighborhood who taught me how to tie a noose when I was a kid.
"To me it's . . . the sounds in the groove." That's the heart of the matter right there, and it's the answer I need to start giving when friends ask why I still collect vinyl . . . Greast post. Thanks and keep on!
Excellent post, and - if I may say - very well organized record cave.
Very nice record stash!
larry It looks organized but its very hap-hazzard!!!
No rhyme or reason! (metal next to jazz and country next to soul...)
and about 1/2 of what i own is in boxes in storage & in the garage!!!
...but at least you can see your floor, even when you pull records out :)
If I only had that much discipline.
Keep up the tremendous work, and maybe if I'm good you can offer some tips on how to keep the record room clutter free :)
Peace and blessings.
Great post, thanks for the mention. Glad that you got to take part in VRD, computer crash and all.
That top picture reminds me of the Fonzzzz!... Fonzie be praised!
OH GOD... see I told you I truly appreciate you and JJB's insight!
I commented you back on your other 2 comments you left about it, DEFINETLY a close one, WAY CLOSE!....
can't believe I really HONESTLY thought that shirazzzle my WHOLE life!!!
Right on man. Looks like you got some sturdier new shelves too!
mf nice to see you around!
actually the shitty ikea shelves on the far right of the 1st record shelf pic is the one that took a shit a while back...
I had to use screws and screw into the "fake" wood...
it looks like wood but its actually some sort of shitty plastic... and the weight of all that vinyl caused the top shelf to pull away from the pegs that hold it together and crash down and the records below it and then so one and so on... Its a temp fix but until i can get more sturdy shelving it will have to do...
Are those at least alphabetical??
"To me it's not how valuable a record is but the sounds in the groove."
Might be the best sentence on your entire blog...
ha! Surely you jest?
they are in the record retard order: None...
But i'm slowly working on it....
and thanks dk!
it's all about the music...
That's way impressive. And thanks for the package, it arrived today. I'll be checking out Solace tonight.
aesop, hope you dig. let me know after you digest it a bit.
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