Crazy to think that i have been doing this blog for almost 10 years.... Over the past 10 years i've seen a ton of my posts lifted from my page and put up on youtube with no mention of where the music actually came from. I do not make money off this blog, it's a labor of love, a labor of love for the music. Records are my hobby and helps keep me out of trouble. (maybe not with the wife!?!) i found the record, i bought the record. i scanned the labels, i downloaded the file and took the time to post it, the least ya'll could do was give me some props as to where you got the scans and the music when you post it on youtube....
i think i'm just gonna start posting all my shit on youtube from now on.... quit stealing my shit!
holy shit, 10 fucking years!!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!!! i must be insane.....?!?!?