When your digging for records you never know what you will find. And you find some strange stuff sometimes. I always buy the strange stuff as long as the price it right. But finding stuff like this always bums me out. It's like throwing out a part of someones life. Tossed away & discarded and no one gives a shit... Did Pvt. D.J. Sottilaro even make it out of the war alive? And why doesn't any family member care about this recording? I find it strange and sad.... Seems these were made by the Pepsi Cola company for service men in World War II to send home to family. They would set up portable machines and the men would make a record to send back home to fill family in on what was going on. The record is noisy but you can hear old D.J. telling it like it was back in 1943. I wonder why this was tossed away...?
Pvt. D.J. Sottilaro - The Voice Of Your Man In Service Through Courtesy Of Pepsi-Cola
that's amazing. thanks for sharing!
That *is* amazing. I'm glad you saved & posted.
That is a piece of history. Very cool. It's tossed away no more, you are the steward now.
Don't be bummed out. Be glad that it's still around and you saved it. Very cool and I agree, a piece of history. I wonder if anyone collects these? You should start, or I should, or someone should. Thanks for posting this!
delinquesnt! where have you been? i'm hoping to take a trip over to ur dynomite to ur brain blog and see a bunch of these posted soon!?!?!!!!
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