Pretty wild Czechoslovakian cover songs from Black Sabbath & Neil Young from 1975 by Jiri Schelinger.
Jiri Schelinger - Metro, Dobry Den (A National Acrobat)
Jiri Schelinger - Podj (Heart Of Gold)
An eclectic mixed bag of vinyl tricks & treats for your ears, eyes, & mind...
dude. do you know how hard it is to track down what you said this album online is? "Heavy Guy" and/or "Hard Man"
fuckin idiot donny osmond lookin cant sing worth shit. the dare i say it's no-name
i keep trying to download this artist from un trusted russian websites and now they hold my computer hostage.
do you know what a bitcoin is? please help. these people want 40 000 of them or they will ruin my social media experience.
wait, what???!???
Hello Mr. DD, Mediafire will not let me get Metro, Dobry Den (A national Acrobat). They tell me Permission Denied. Help?
hoší,co tady melete,já myslel,že je tady řeč o Schelingrovi
I think he's fucking with you. The Sabbath cover was taken down by mediafire.
Ah.... I will fix it when I get back home and put it in zippy share. Media fire is totally down.... DD
try them now!
Thank you, DD \m/
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