Very weird this one. I can't find anything about "The Norman Brothers" at all. It's heavy on ukulele and piano. Song 2 on this side is titled "Fused On Tips, Ca't Slip Off" but it's obviously a cover of Monday Monday by the Momas And Popas. Song 4 is called "Number 3 In The Green Book" but it's a version of "Please don't talk about me when I'm gone". I did not record song 1 "I Enjoy Being A Girl" because it skips very badly. The other side starts with "Steam Boat Mickey" but it's about The Robert E Lee.... Song 2 on this side "The Little Bird Who Lost His Way Flying South For The Winter" is a version of "By The Time I Get To Phoenix" and is actually pretty cool. Some of the others don't sound familiar to me but i would assume they are all covers??? I know i've heard number 4 on this side but can't place it.... Maybe Elvis???? Number 5 is a ragtime version of Old Time Religion but called "Box 5, Del Rio Texas". It makes no sense to me.... can someone explain this weirdness to me? The only thing i know for sure about this record is that it was cut with HOT STYLUS! Help?!?
The Norman Brothers - Jaggers Recording Studio Acetate
"Number 3 in the Green Book" is also, in part, Dylan's "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right." (One of my favorite break-up songs.) And, "This Is Just the Beginning" is indeed Elvis—"It's Over."
Ahh.... thanks Charles. does this mis-titling of songs make any sense to you???
I can only blame drugs.
The mis-titling is perhaps actually a mis-LABELING issue. So, if that is the case, then the artist is probably not even correct.
I like these labeled song titles better than what the actual titles are. I only wish these were the actual songs here, rather than these cover tunes. MAYBE THEY EXIST ON THE RECORD THAT HAS THE LABEL FOR THESE TUNES!!!
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