As if the name itself wasn't weird enough and the song titles just listen to the tunes!
Some kinda weird funky jazzy rock soul...
Who were The U-DWI Peoples Paraphernalia? You got me... but again file this under WTF...??? (Especially Terrible Train)
The U-DWI Peoples Paraphernalia - Push And Pull (The Tom Jones)
The U-DWI Peoples Paraphernalia - Terrible Train
Willie Henderson is a rather well known producer. This is almost certainly the same group of studio musicians Henderson used on other records credited to himself and others during the early 70's.
These are so great. And now I have a serious contact high!
"Terrible Train" rules!
Its all about the 'Terrible Train' track for myself as well...huge thanks for unearthing and sharing such a bizarro gem...it has a curious otherness to it which is a joy to listen to!
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