DD & Joe Goblin with their drinks on!
Welp, I'm home from London and still feeling a bit under the weather. I had a bit of a hairy trip. Didn't get picked up from the airport and stayed WAY to long at the airport bar and didn't sleep for a few days and the weather was HORRIBLE, cold & wet, so I got pretty sick and spent my whole Saturday in St. Thomas Hospital in London before my gig! So I apologies for not hooking up with DJ Prestige's buddy Lindsey. Hopefully when he is in the states soon we can meet.
The gig however was AWESOME! We gained a lot of fans and made a little loot to boot so while it was pretty stressful in the end it was worth the aggravation.
Things are going to be a bit more quiet over here as they blocked my access to my blog spot at work and well, i want to hit this thing hard when i finally get my mp3 turntable for x-mas. I've got a lot of music i want to get out there and I'm sure your all sick of just hearing my blabber with no tuneage so I'm gonna shut up for a while until i can get this thing really started!
So hang in and check back soon!
Hope everyone is well.
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