Friday, March 18, 2016

Orange Alabaster Mushroom - The Slug / Ethel Tripped A Mean Gloss

I never heard of the "Orange Alabaster Mushroom" before last week. I stumbled upon it in my endless search for music via the interwebs. I liked what i heard, found a copy of this 7 inch and jumped on it. Here is what the inter webs say about the "group":

Ontario's answer to the Bevis Frond, the Orange Alabaster Mushroom is bedroom D.I.Y. auteur Greg Watson, whose one-man band reproductions of classic circa-1967 psych-pop are so dead-on perfect in every detail that one could play this collection of 1991-1998 recordings for any fan of Nuggets-era obscurities and they'd think it was authentic circa 1967 psych-pop.

- Stewart Mason,

Orange Alabaster Mushroom - The Slug

Orange Alabaster Mushroom - Ethel Tripped A Mean Gloss


Anonymous said...

Why thank you so much.


Anonymous said...

With a little look I found this:!i89xQQZR!Z41BpyCUg53x6pqW5acYzQ



frick said...

so are they covers, per se? or , probably not. good tunz either way
almost too clean in the production, vocals could be softened too help. Thank you again as always!! Hails!