Saturday, March 19, 2016

Sacred Miracle Cave - Liquid In Me

I feel like i'm the only person in the world who likes this band....? Heavy, doomy, dark noisy and psychedelic. What's NOT to like?

I wish i could have seen them live back in the day, i bet they ruled live.

Sacred Miracle Cave - Liquid In Me


  1. I don't remember them ever touring actually. I do remember that they only put out a few things at the time. Anyway, thank you for this post. A reminder of a great band.

  2. at first I was out, then in, then really in. i get it.
    psst... have u heard voivods new ep? top notch, highly recommend

  3. nice.

    and not yet on the voivod but i will get around to it thats for sho'
