Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Vice-Roys - Buzz-Bomb

Another 50 cent flea market find. Today we have the Vice-Roys w/ Buzz-Bomb. A nice little surfy garage number from 1963 w/ cool sax, some mean guitar licks & killer keyboard fills.

Yeah, it's seen better days but hey, for 50 cents i aint complaining.... and since it is free to you, you shouldn't either...

As for the Vice-Roys.....??? Looks like they were a Seattle Washington band.... Other than that your guess is as good as mine.

Edit: Oops, per the comments of BobbyM these guys were not from the PNW but a Chicago area band. And they had a very minor hit in '63 with "Seagrams". They followed that one up with "Buzz-Bomb"....

Thanks BobbyM!

The Vice-Roys - Buzz-Bomb


  1. Great blog. Weird story: I'm doing research on the cultural history of the German V-1 jet bombs or "buzz bombs" and found references to the Vice-Roys' track "Buzz Bomb," which I had never heard of before today (the 12th of September 2012). And lo-and-behold I found your blog, and that you just upped this tune today. Major synchronicity! I love the internet!!

  2. awesome!!! the internet is a groovy place!!

  3. Hi there,

    I was following your blog from Toronto. I am now following it from Cairo.

    Keep up the good work!



  4. This is actually a Chicago area band, not the one from the Northwest. These guys had a very minor hit in '63 with "Seagrams"; they followed that one up with "Buzz-Bomb".

  5. Great sleazy sax! Thanks for the share.
