Friday, September 21, 2012

The Group Called (Us) - Promise Me - American Girl And Liverpool Boy

Another flea market find. I actually found 2 copies, one on an orange label and another on a yellow label... The group called (us) - Looks like this is semi rare "Northern" soul & mod rocker, as a few copies i've seen on the web are selling out of the UK for around 40 to 60 pounds.... not bad for a buck i'd say. Yeah mine aint mint and you can hear a few pops and crackles but it's all in the hunt....

As for the group called "us" this is from 1964 and i would guess that the liverpool thing was a direct stab at the whole beatles / britsih invasion thing but still sounds very 60's doo wop. Jimmy Ienner arrtanged & produced it who produced the Raspberries, Three Dog Night & Grand Funk in the 70's.... Other than that, you got me....

The Group Called (Us) - Promise Me

The Group Called (Us) -American Girl And Liverpool Boy