Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Accents - Wiggle, Wiggle - Dreamin' And Schemin'

I just picked this up at the flea market last weekend and while it was a bit more than the usual dollar i pay for 45's it was still under double figures and worth every penny.

The Accents, from Hollywood California give 2 great great Doo Wop tunes here w/ the "hit" being Wiggle Wiggle, a song that came out during the “sack” dress fad. The song was released in October, 1958, and contended that a girl didn’t have to be pretty, or wear good clothes; she just had to wear a “sack” dress, and “wiggle” where it showed the most...

Dudes aint changed a bit since the dawn of time


James Jackson (Lead)

Israel Goudeau (Tenor)

Robert Drapper (Tenor)

Bobby Armstrong (Baritone)

Billy Hood (Bass)


The Accents - Wiggle, Wiggle

The Accents - Dreamin' And Schemin'

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