Sunday, October 2, 2011

Glenn Burris - Drinking Song

I Like Drinking!!!

Glenn Burris - Drinking Song


  1. Me too! Recent favorite beers are: Weyerbacher Insanity (excellent), Brooklyn Post Road Pumpkin Ale (very good), and Southern Tier Pumking Ale (excellent), and Gouden Carolus Classic (excellent).

  2. I noticed one unusual thing:
    The label name and logo are exactly the same as one of Eli Oberstein's Record Corp of America labels, which he sold to Pickwick in 1954 when he bought Rondo Records.
    Neither company was based in Meriden, CT, but this sounds like the public domain stuff they'd issue.
    --Just thought I'd mention it.

  3. That stuff looks good, I'm looking for it.
