Monday, November 22, 2010

Pan Earth - The Mandingo

Some killer funk jams here from 1975 on the Family Spirt record label. 75 is a little late in the funk game w/ most tunes by then crossing over into the disco category but these hold pretty true. Some Funky & FUZZY & buzzy guitars help the cause as well! If you follow this blog at all ya know how the devil feels about fuzzy guitars!!! I think the instrumental version is even better/fuzzier where the git can really be heard w/ out the vox... As for Pan Earth i know nothing. I took a shot based on title alone, and thinking it might be disco because of the year i almost didn't, but i'm glad i did as this one has made a bunch of mixes and comps for friends. Hope you dig it as much as me...?

Pan Earth - The Mandingo

Pan Earth - The Mandingo Instrumental


  1. this is a really great tune! Thank you.

  2. Dude -

    Do the Mandango ... DOOO it !!!

    Yeah, it's great ;-)

  3. i'm doing it right now!
    fantastic track ... love it!

    thx :)
