Monday, January 19, 2009

Bobby Moline - Devil Get Behind Me

What we have here is a really great song by a man i know nothing about but when i saw that Park Ave label and Devil in the title i knew i had to be good and man was i right. There is some really great guitar playing in this tune and it sounds as if good old Mr. Moline is truly haunted and trying to make amends here. A search on the interwebs told me that this is from 1964 but not much else was to be had about Bobby.

You can buy a copy here: on ebay for $112.00 if you so desire or get it from the devils music for free!

Choice is yours....

Bobby Moline - Devil Get Behind Me


  1. You should check 'Devil's on the Run' by Howeefeel. It's a b-side to a 1975 Contempo 45, you would dig. Anyways thanks for the tunes Devil Dick!!!
    Peace from Oz

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  3. A fine number! Thanks. W.

  4. If you want to know about Bob Moline - here is his site:
